April 21, 2017

Report Cards came home Friday!

Please be sure to look them over, sign the envelope, and return it with your child!  We are one week into the 4th card marking.  Please remind your child to complete, and turn in, their work when it is due.


This week we began Chapter 10.   Students will expand on what they have learned abou line segments as they learn about parallel and perpendicular likes.  Students will learn how to draw perpendicular lines with a protractor and a drawing triangle.

Wednesday we began Chapter 10. In this chapter, students extend their knowledge of line segments and continue to explore parallel and perpendicular line segments. This chapter extends the use of the protractor to not only measure angles, but also draw perpendicular line segments when a grid is not provided. A drawing triangle is another tool that will be used this chapter.

A copy of the Chapter 10 parent letter came home on Friday.

The Chapter Wrap-up outlines what students will be expected to know at the end of the chapter.

Weekly Math

Every Friday your child should bring home a math practice paper. The math worksheet will be a review of concepts already covered in the classroom. Students should be able to do the work independently. However, if you notice your child is struggling with a concept, please help him/her. Math practice is due back on Thursday. If your child doesn’t return it by Thursday, he/she will receive a pink “missing/incomplete assignment” sticker for not being responsible and automatically miss Friday Rewards. Students who do not complete the work or meet grade level expectations will revisit the concepts during Friday Rewards.

This Weekly Math – due on Thursday 4-27-17


This week we started our last round of book clubs.  These novels should take us to the end of the school year.  Students are responsible for completing the assignments for their Reading journal each week.


In addition to weekly class assignments, we have begun to explore the tools that are available to use during the M-Step testing sessions.  This helps the students to see what the layout of the M-Step, and what types of questions they will be expected to complete  (drag and drop, multiple choice, short answer, click on the sentence within the passage, performance tasks, etc.).

At home, you can reinforce bedtimes so that students are getting adequate amounts of sleep, and make sure that they have a healthy breakfast.  The more practice students have will help them feel confident as well.  Please encourage your child to access the following practice links at home.  We have used them in class.

MSTEP Online Tools Training


Khan Academy Test Practice



English Lang. Arts (Grammar)
